How Kim created a trading process using past life experiences

Trader Case Study: How Kim Brought Process to Trading

When I was a commodity broker for Merrill Lynch (yeah, over 3 decades ago), my clients who lost the most money tended to be doctors and lawyers. This is because they were so used to having the power to

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You can't solve irrational trading behaviors with your rational mind

You Can’t Solve Irrational Trading Behaviors with Your Rational Mind

You can’t solve your irrational trading behaviors with your rational mind! When we deviate from our trading plan or our carefully constructed intuitive and discretionary trading processes, we do so not

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The words your trading coach uses matter

The Mental Game of Trader Training: Words Matter

The first thing to do when looking for a trading coach is to eliminate the trading coaches that are less likely to be helpful. The first thing to be aware of is the language that the trading coach uses.

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Angry man Bob self awareness

Self-Awareness Exercise

Story: Bob walked the meeting with a vague sense that something was wrong. He had not slept well the night before and Stephen, his rival for CEO in another division, had set up the participants and the

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trading on the roller coaster of joy and despair

How most traders fail: The roller coaster of hope and despair

Yes, most traders fail to realize their dreams. Yet most traders continue to try harder doing what they have been doing. Although it doesn’t seem rational, we as humans with our human brains continue

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Trading in the now

Trading in the Now

"Watch your thoughts: They become words. Watch your words: They become actions. Watch your actions: They become habits. Watch your habits: They become character. Watch your character; It becomes your destiny."

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Don't use this trading indicator!

Caution! Don’t use this trading indicator

Do you enter trades that with hindsight don’t make sense? And this happens time and time again? You may berate yourself, try to apply more discipline or agonize over the “error.” Imagine a world

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Are you trading like a dog or a wolf?

Are you trading like a dog or a wolf?

The book “The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk Taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust” obliterates many of the myths we carry around about ourselves and our trading decisions. Here are

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Turning Your Uniqueness Into Market Edge and a Trading Strategy

Turning Your Uniqueness Into Market Edge and a Trading Strategy

We are all wired differently. We all bring different skills to trading. We all have distinct dispositions. We also have our own unique mental baggage that we deal with day in and day out. This is good

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