TopStepTrader Trading Combine

How does the Trading Combine work?

TopstepTrader funds traders who can successfully pass their unique evaluation, called the Trading Combine®. The Combine is a real-time, simulated account using any of 10+ preferred platforms. If you can follow the risk criteria and meet the profit target in the Combine, you are eligible to trade real capital in a funded account where you keep 80% of the profits.

To date, TopstepTrader has funded hundreds of traders, averaging about 1 new funded trader per day. In addition to funding these traders, TopstepTrader provides ongoing mentorship and development in the form of risk management and our daily squawk radio. Squawk Radio consists of live market commentary, trader interviews, guest educators, and peer to peer interaction.

Rich Friesen does a regular Squawk Radio segment for TopstepTrader.

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