Trading is one of the most challenging careers you can choose. Most traders lack the vision of a Master Trader's Mindset and a path to get there. Mind Muscles Academy helps you create a clear vision and a path to Master Trader Performance.
I AM NEW TO TRADING, and have sufficient trading capital
I am interested in building a Master Trader's Mindset
This assessment will give you a baseline from which to start building the path to your trading goals. If you have a clear picture as to where you are now, you can better plan where you are going and how to get there. You'll get this link in an email.
STEP 2 - START WITH OUR FREE RESOURCES: The Mind Muscles Academy has a selection of free resources you can tap into to get an idea of the Mind Muscles Academy philosophy.
- You can learn a lot about developing an effective and practical trading strategy by reading the Trading Strategy Insights series by Rogerio Amado, our strategy and execution coach.
- Pay attention to the MM Labs Newsletter. It will contain the latest blog posts, and any new webinars, events and even Beta Testing opportunities you could take advantage of.
- There are blog posts a library of resources. webinar recordings that cover a lot of ground, and even some free audio files you can download and listen to in your car or at the gym if you're good at multi-tasking :)
STEP 3 - DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK: Stop Fighting Your Brain gives you a good introduction to the Mind Muscles Method.
Yes, we're biased - we believe EVERY trader should take the Compass course!
This is a comprehensive course for traders from all levels of experience to step into their Master Trader’s mindset. We show how you can accomplish your trading goals by expanding your personal power and rapport with yourself and the market. Includes Mind Metrics.
We replace reactive emotional trading with personal awareness, acceptance and new actions that support consistent execution, which in turn results in growing confidence and improved results.
Combined with the Trading Strategy Workshop, you will have access to a perfect storm of educational materials, group coaching and a clear and concise plan that tell you exactly where you are going and precise steps that you need to take to get there.
STEP 5 - ATTEND THE NEXT STRATEGY WORKSHOP: A step by step process for developing, testing and deploying your own trading strategy. Includes Rogerio's unique version of Mind Metrics.
STEP 5 - BE DILIGENT AND MOTIVATED IN YOUR STUDIES: You will have lifetime access to all of these items. (Rich's lifetime, not yours) Use that! Keep referring back to the course materials again and again. Get into the habit of updating your Mind Metrics with every trade.
FAST TRACK: Personal trader coaching is the most customized and steady real-time path to success. We can support your progress as you become a consistently successful independent or professional trader.
You can choose the path that best suits your desired progress speed, time availability, motivation, learning style and budget. If you are committed to trading success and you have the financial foundation to support private coaching, please go here to set up a time to interview with Rich.
If you need one on one help developing a sound trading strategy, you can find out more about Rogerio's coaching program here.
IMMERSE YOURSELF: I collaborated with TopStepTrader in a series of mini audio seminars on a variety of subjects important to emerging traders. There are 40 of these available right now, and over 100 still being processed. These files can be downloaded onto any device that can play Mp3 files. It's like having your own trading coach with you wherever you go.
UPDATE: we are making these audio mini seminars FREE to everyone. Go here to get one of the audio files delivered to your inbox every month.
Trader's Compass is a step by step roadmap to building your Master Trader Mindset and achieving your trading goals.
Why wait?
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