If you can’t imagine your success as a trader, fully, completely and with joy, success is difficult to achieve.
Can you describe yourself and your life as a successful trader? Having worked with dozens of traders as a coach and hundreds of traders in my courses, one of the first things I ask the traders to do is to describe themselves as successful traders. Many are unable to even imagine this state at all. The response to the question is sometimes met with confusion, sometimes withdrawal, sometimes sadness and sometimes diversion.
What stops you from imagining yourself and all the resulting changes as successful? This wall can be created from our core identity, our belief systems and patterns of behaviors that, over time, do not support this vision.
A famous quote from “A Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson is one that rings true for many of my clients.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”
What barriers do you experience that stop you from success? When I see a trader, as a private client or in one of my courses who has the experience of persistent losing trading behaviors and self-sabotage, I ask them to visualize their success. This process reveals the barriers to success that they have erected.
So, this assignment I am about to give is important. The more you feel you don’t want to do it, probably the more important it is for you TO do it.
Create a mock brokerage statement one year from now that reflects the success you want as a trader. The more detailed you make it, the more effective this exercise becomes.
- How many trades you made
- Win/loss ratio
- Maximum risk taken
- Days with no trades
- P&L daily/weekly/monthly average
- Number of setups missed
- Number of setups taken
- Number of “off strategy trades”
Remember, this is from the state of being a successful trader. This isn’t magical “manifesting” where you all your trades are winners. This is reality. What will your numbers look like given who you are, how you trade and how the markets can screw with you?
Next, imagine what this success feels like. How does this change your life? Write down the DETAILS of how becoming a master trader with consistent profits impacts you, your family, friends and community. Do you move? What do you buy?
Most importantly, how does it FEEL?
What needs to change? Now, create a current brokerage statement of your recent history. Look at these same numbers that are from your recent past. Where are the gaps? What needs to change?
OK, now you are able to envision the future, see the details and start to make specific changes that serve you better. At Mind Muscles, courses, workshops and coaching help you create a successful vision of the future and provide a new way of thinking that supports your success.
Do you want to experience consistent success? Please join the Mind Muscles trading community to look at some of the mind traps that keep us from the success we want as traders.